Saturday, July 15, 2006

Magically Delicious

I have a sweet tooth that is out of control. I need sugar like Paris Hilton needs her T-Mobile Sidekick. It's a bit ridiculous, really. I blame it all on the fact that while growing up, I was never allowed sugar cereals except on certain holidays. I waited all year for St. Patrick's Day just so I could bust into a brand new box of Lucky Charms. I even liked those little wheat crunchy things shaped like awareness ribbons that accompanied the marshmallows by a ratio of 200 to 1. Even they were coated in sugar. But like most kids, I was more excited about the marshmallows. I waited until the very last second to eat those delicious little hearts, moons, and stars; until they were all bloated with pastel milk. There is a point, after roughly six minutes of milk soakage, when the marshmallows become "ripe". They develop a thin foam-like casing around the still-solid sugar core. Put one of those babies on your tongue and press it against the roof of your mouth. That, right there, is a little piece of Heaven. I've gotta say, there are very few things in life as satisfying as a good bowl of Lucky Charms. They truly are magically delicious.


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