Saturday, September 02, 2006

It's All a Blur

Ever notice how when a movie is out of focus at the theater everyone will complain about it, but no one will ever go tell anyone to fix it? We all just sit there annoyed, occasionally throwing popcorn at the screen instead of leaving to fix the problem. It's a little like a staring contest. Who can go the longest without getting up. It gets a little tense as we wait for someone, anyone, get up. Our attention is diverted from the movie as we throw shifty glances around the room wondering why no one is doing anything about the fuzzy picture. It's as if we all assume there is one designated movie focuser in the crowd and we are pissed that he or she is not fulfilling his or her very important responsibility. We have an attitude of "I paid for this. I shouldn't have to get up," like we're all so worried about missing 3 minutes of a blurry film. The guy who finally gets up to tell someone about the problem usually gets applause. I always wanted to date that guy.


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